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Oct 25, 2021Liked by T.V. Hernandez

It was very interesting reading about your experience during the beginning of the pandemic. I hope that you and your family get to go on your vacation sometime soon! I really hope that things with COVID settle down and life goes back towards normal and that everyone's safer.

I'm in rural Arkansas, and there was never a lockdown here so I never did experience that. I have worked from home and homeschooled my son for years and so between that and being so far from any big towns, it didn't change my day to day life in that way like it did for so many people. But I've watched everyone around me go through it, and I know it's been so difficult. My mom had COVID in the very beginning and thankfully she came through it okay, though she still has issues with her lungs that she has to have checked out at the doctor every six months until it clears up. The hardest part of the pandemic for me is definitely that I haven't gotten to see my mom in so long. She lives in Canada and the situation at the border is hopefully going to improve soon like they're saying it will and very much hoping to visit with her this summer, if things don't get worse.

Anyway, I look forward to future posts! :) And if you have any fanfiction or anything online, let me know. I know you mentioned it earlier. I fully admit I love fanfiction and have practically my entire life. :)

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